Module with tableJoinAes128. Functions: tableJoinAes128 tableJoinAes128 Function for joining two Aes128 matrices. Detailed Description D - shared3p protection domain Supported types - xor_uint32 Function Overloads D xor_uint32 tableJoinAes128(D xor_uint32[[2]] left, uint leftKeyCol, D xor_uint32[[2]] right, uint rightKeyCol) Parameters left - a matrix of supported type right - a matrix of supported type leftKeyCol - the key column to be joined after in the matrix left rightKeyCol - the key column to be joined after in the matrix right the pointwise values of the columns specified by leftKeyCol and rightKeyCol are the same returns a joined matrix joined at leftKeyCol and rightKeyCol Leaks the number of rows with the same key value and size of the result table.