Inspecting the Audit Log

1. Installation

You need a tool and a flatbuffers schema from Sharemind HI to inspect the audit log.

1.1. Prerequisites

  • Credentials for APT repository : username and password

  • Ubuntu 22.04 platform on a x86-64 CPU.

1.2. Installation

You need the following Sharemind HI packages:


Relevant Files




The application for decrypting the audit log.



The FlatBuffers schema for interpreting the content of the decrypted audit log entries.

These can be installed as follows:

# Add Sharemind repository key
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

# Install HTTPS repository support for APT
sudo apt install apt-transport-https

# Add Sharemind repository
user="..." # provided in a separate document
pass="..." # provided in a separate document

. /etc/os-release # for $UBUNTU_CODENAME.

echo "deb [arch=amd64] $repo_url $UBUNTU_CODENAME non-free" \
  | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sharemind-hi.list

# Update
sudo apt update

sudo apt install sharemind-hi-audit={hivsn} sharemind-hi-audit-fbs-dev={hisvn}
# Recommended
sudo apt-mark hold sharemind-hi-audit sharemind-hi-audit-fbs-dev

Further, you might want to install the flatc binary from the FlatBuffers project, version 1.12.0 or higher. Please refer to on how to install it.

2. Obtaining the Audit Log Key

Download the audit log encryption key from the Sharemind HI server:

sharemind-hi-client -c client.yaml -a auditLogDownloadKey \
  -- --output audit_log.key

3. Obtaining the Audit Log

The audit log should be stored in a solution specific way. Hence the audit log retrieval needs to be solved in a solution specific way as well.

When you have the audit log, you can decrypt it as follows:

sharemind-hi-audit -a decrypt \
  -- --input audit_log.enc --key audit_log.key --output audit_log

The audit_log file contains a FlatBuffer whose schema is in the following file:


4. Inspecting the Audit Log

You can either choose to analyse the FlatBuffer through a custom application using the FlatBuffers library, or convert the FlatBuffer to a human readable format like JSON[1] and read it directly or analyse it with other tools like jq [2]:

# The output will be written to `audit_log.json`.
flatc \
  --json /usr/include/sharemind-hi/sharemind-hi/fbs/enclave_messages_audit.fbs \
  --include-prefix /usr/include/sharemind-hi/sharemind-hi/fbs \
  -- audit_log

# A simple example how to print which actions were performed:
jq -n -f audit_log.json \
  | jq -r '.entries | map(.buffer.entry_type) | .[]' \
  | sed -E 's/LogEntry(.*)/\1/' \
  | sed -E 's/([a-z])([A-Z])/\1 \2/g' \
  | cat -n